Foreword, by Franklin Patterson
I LEADERSHIPStrategic Initiatives and Governance Structures
1Achieving Academic Excellence through Strategic Mergers: A New Approach
James Martin and James E. Samels
2 Higher Education Mergers, Consolidations, Consortia, and Affiliations: A Typology of Models and Basic Legal Structures
James E. Samels
3 The Role of Trustees and Governing Boards in College and University Mergers
John F. Welsh
4 Presidential Leadership and the Mutual-Growth Concept
Bryan E. Carlson
5 An Academic Action Plan for Faculty Involvement, Curriculum Revision, and Professional Development
James Martin
Financial Planning and External Considerations
6 Strategic Planning for Growth Mergers
Andre Mayer
7 The Implications of a Public Institutional Merger
Donald L. Zekan
8 The Business Aspects of College and University Mergers: A Plan for Merger Financing and Resource Sharing
James E. Samels and Donald L. Zekan
9 Merger Licensure and Accreditation
James E. Samels
Campus Relations and Quality Service
10 Merging Diverse Student Cultures
Sheila Murphy
11 Consolidating Library Collections and Learning-Resource Technologies
Patricia Sacks
12 Mergers, Institutional Advancement, and Alumni Relationships
Victor F. Scalise, Jr.
13 An International Perspective: Recent Growth Mergers in British Higher Education
Paul Temple and Celia Whitchurch
14 Conclusion: The Mutual-Growth Process - Myths and Realities
James Martin and James E. Samels
Appendix: Principal College and University Mergers