Myths of the World 2/e

FLORIS BOOKSISBN:9780863153655

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By Padraic Colum, Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff
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Padraic Colum, the great Irish story-teller, brought together this treasure-house of stories from ancient myth and legend, stories that were once sacred and which still have a deep human significance. In this classical collection, he retold stories on similar themes from many different past cltures, in this way showing the close relation between them. He includes stories from ancient Egypt & Babylon, Greece & Rome, Ireland & Iceland, China & Japan, New Zealand, Mexico and Peru. Here are found all the legendary heroic and tragic figures of the ancient world: Isis, Osiris, Gilgamesh, Hercules, Pandora, and many more. Padraic Coium was born in Ireland in 1881, and played an important role in the Irish renaissance in the early years of this century. He is best known for his outstanding books for children, written in a language that recalls the rhythm & melody of traditional story-telling. For ages 7-10 years

The Significance of Mythology Egyptian: Osiris and Iris Ra, his Going-Down and Uprising Babylonian: In the Beginning Gilgamesh The Story of Utnapishtim and of the Deluge that Destroyed all that was on the Earth Ishtar's Descent into the World Below Persian: Jemshid the Resplendent Jewish post-Christian Period: The Angels and the Creation and Fall of Man The Confounding of the Angel of Death Greece: In the Beginning Prometheus Pandora Demeter Orpheus Dionysos Apollo Herakles Roman: The Children of Mars Numa the Law-Giver The Sibyl Pomona and Vertumnus Greco-Roman: Cupid and Psyche Celtic: Irish: Midir and Etain The Death of Conaire Mor, the King of Ireland The Voyage of Bran to the Land of the Immortals Welsh: Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed and his Visit to Annwn, the Realm of Faerie Math, the Son of Mathonwy Finnish: Lemminkainen, his Destruction and his Restoration to Life Icelandic: In the Beginning The Building of the wall Mimir Balder Loki's Punishment The Children of Loki Ragnarok, the Fate of the Gods Indian: Vedic: The Heavenly Nymph and her Mortal Husband Epic: The Churning of the Ocean The Birth of the Ganges Savitri and the Lord of Death Damayanti's Choice Buddhist: Gotama's Attainment Chinese: In the Beginning The Weaver Maiden and the Herdsman Japanese: The Sun Goddess and the Storm God and the Strife there was Between them The First People Polynesian: In the Beginning Maui the Fire Bringer How Maui Strove to Win Immortality for All Creatures Pele, Hawaii's Goddess of Volcanic Fire Peruvian: Viracocha The Llama-herder and the Virgin of the Sun Central American and Mexican: In the Beginning The Twin Heroes and the lords of Xibalba Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl's Enemy The Gods of the Aztecs The Aztecs Zuni: Paiyatuma and the Maidens of the Corn

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