Language learning is retraining your brain, and any form of training requires focus, constant practice, and support. This guide gives the ultimate support by helping the user to instantly create hundreds of sentences for communication in German. Color-coded and easy-to-use, this laminated, portable guide can be used for students and travelers alike. 6 page laminated guide includes: Rules to Remember Pronunciation (Aussprache) Greetings & Goodbyes (Grussworte und Verabschiedungen) Questions (Fragen) Social Courtesies (Hoeflichkeit) Numbers (Zahlen) Days of the Week (Wochentage) Negatives (Negation) Months of the Year (Monate) Expressing Opinions (seine Meinung sagen) Time Expressions (Zeitausdrucke) Seasons (Jahreszeiten) Colors (Farben) Weather (Wetter) On the Phone (Am Telefon) Basic Statements (Aussagen) Personal Information (Persoenliche Angaben) Family (Familie) Work Life (Arbeit und Beruf) Shopping (Einkaufen) Money (Geld) House & Home (zu Hause) Food (Nahrung) Spare Time (Freizeit) Transportation (Transportation) Travel (Reisen) Health (Gesundheit) In Case of Emergencies (Im Notfall) Technology & Social Media (Technologie und soziale Medien) Directions (Wegbeschreibung)