I. Valuing Adolescence 1. Texts and Adolescents: Embracing Connections and Connectedness, Alfred W. Tatum 2. Meaningful Discipline-Specific Language Instruction for Middle School Students for Whom English Is an Additional Language, Eliane Rubinstein-Avila and Alisa G. Leckie 3. The Role of Motivation in Engaged Reading of Adolescents, David G. O'Brien and Deborah R. Dillon 4. Using Discourse Study as an Instructional Practice with Adolescents to Develop 21st-Century Literacies of Critically Conscious Citizens, Margaret C. Hagood 5. Teaching Literacy to Youth Who Struggle with Academic Literacies, Leigh A. Hall and Aubrey Comperatore II. Developing Literacy Strategies 6. Text Complexity and Deliberate Practice: Common Cores of Learning, Kristen A. Munger and Maria S. Murray 7. Active Engagement with Words, Karen Bromley 8. Comprehension in Secondary Schools, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey 9. Expanding Adolescent Writing: Building upon Youths' Practices, Purposes, Relationships, and Thoughtfulness, Randy Bomer and Michelle Fowler-Amato 10. Reading and Writing across Multiple Texts, Cynthia Shanahan III. Developing Disciplinary Literacies 11. Fostering Acquisition of Mathematics Language, Codruta Temple and Kathleen A. Hinchman 12. Reading Challenging Texts in High School: How Teachers Can Scaffold and Build Close Reading for Real Purposes in the Subject Areas, Elizabeth Birr Moje and Jennifer Speyer 13. Teaching History and Literacy, Timothy Shanahan and Cynthia Shanahan 14. Literacy Support in English/Language Arts Classrooms: Motivation, Dialogue, and Strategy Instruction, Leslie S. Rush and Todd F. Reynolds 15. Assisting Struggling Readers with Textbook Comprehension, Heather K. Sheridan-Thomas IV. Addressing Program and Policy Issues 16. Multimodality and Literacy Learning: Integrating the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Fenice B. Boyd and Andrea L. Tochelli 17. Traveling Together Over Difficult Ground: Negotiating Success with a Profoundly Inexperienced Reader in an Introduction to Chemistry Class, Cindy Litman and Cynthia Greenleaf 18. Differentiating Literacy Instruction for Adolescents, Zaline Roy-Campbell and Kelly Chandler-Olcott 19. Assessment for Literacy Growth and Content Learning in Secondary Schools, William G. Brozo 20. Coaching and Growing Literacy Communities of Practice, Josephine Peyton Marsh, David R. Krauter, and Lettice Pelotte
An authoritative teacher resource and widely adopted text, this book provides a comprehensive overview of adolescent literacy instruction in the era of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Leading educators describe effective practices for motivating diverse learners in grades 5-12, building comprehension of multiple types of texts, integrating literacy and content-area instruction, and teaching English language learners and struggling readers. Case examples, lesson-planning ideas, and end-of-chapter discussion questions and activities enhance the utility of the volume. New to This Edition *Extensive CCSS content incorporated throughout the book. *Chapters on disciplinary literacy, text complexity, and differentiated instruction. *Chapters on academic language, writing instruction, history and English/language arts classrooms, and coaching.