I. Introduction to Word Study 1. Setting the Stage II. The Voices of Researchers and Teachers 2. Researcher Perspectives 3. Teacher to Teacher: Tips from Teachers for Teachers III. Word Study Instructional Activities 4. Word Study for Syllable Junction Spellers 5. Word Study for Derivational Constancy Spellers Appendix A. Performance Records Appendix B. Sampling of 100+ Important Math Words Appendix C. Sampling of 100+ Important Science Words Appendix D. Sampling of 100+ Important Social Studies Words Appendix E. Blank Word Card Template Appendix F. Homophone Rummy Answer Key: Sample Sentences Appendix G. Understanding Prefixes Appendix H. Applying Prefix Knowledge to Common Latin Roots Appendix I. Lesson Guide for Word Study with SAIL Appendix J. Recognizing and Categorizing Cognates through Morphology, Anita C. Hernandez & Jose A. Montelongo Appendix K. Spanish Translations of Academic Vocabulary Relevant to Specific SAIL Components, Translated by Anita C. Hernandez & Jose A. Montelongo References Index of Words Used in the Sorts
This treasured resource for upper-elementary and middle school teachers--now in a revised second edition with a new lesson-planning framework--presents ready-to-use activities to advance students spelling and vocabulary knowledge, including academic vocabulary. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the volume provides over 120 reproducible word sorts, organized by spelling stages, plus additional reproducible forms, word lists, and activities in the appendices. Kathy Ganskes research-based approach emphasizes cognitive engagement, discussion, and active learning. The book features firsthand tips from experienced teachers, strategies for building morphological awareness, "Did You Know?" sections with absorbing stories about specific words, discussions of idioms, and literature suggestions. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible appendix materials. New to This Edition *Chapter on researcher perspectives--noted scholars translate cutting-edge findings into practical teaching ideas. *Greatly expanded content on academic vocabulary, including Ganskes SAIL (survey, analyze, interpret, link) framework for instruction and a reproducible SAIL lesson guide. *Increased attention to English learners, with two new appendices on Spanish-English vocabulary connections. *Word sort activities feature updated instructions and many new examples.