Introduction, R. A. McWilliam 1. Identifying Families' Supports and Other Resources, Lee Ann Jung 2. Assessing Families' Needs with the Routines-Based Interview, R. A. McWilliam 3. Community-Based Everyday Child Learning Opportunities, Carl J. Dunst, Melinda Raab, Carol M. Trivette, and Jennifer Swanson 4. Coordinating Services with Families, Mary Beth Bruder 5. Talking to Families, P. J. McWilliam 6. Working with Families from Diverse Backgrounds, Marci J. Hanson and Eleanor W. Lynch 7. A Primary-Coach Approach to Teaming and Supporting Families in Early Childhood Intervention, M'Lisa L. Shelden and Dathan D. Rush 8. Support-Based Home Visiting, R. A. McWilliam 9. Helping Families Address Challenging Behavior and Promote Social Development, Lise Fox