Building on the success of The Perfect (Ofsted) Lesson, this book demonstrates through exemplary case studies how to get the very best from your Ofsted inspection. Heads and middle leaders who have managed to show their school off in the best possible light share their top tips for making your inspection an opportunity rather than a threat.Telling the story of your school effectively, showing how the data really represents your school and helping your middle leaders show how they are working towards 'continuous improvement' are just a few of the essential aspects of preparation for the inspection. Writing an incisive SEF that exemplifies your spiralling success and which demonstrates your capacity for improvement is still essential for gaining an 'outstanding' result.This book will help prepare you and your staff to be confident and impressive in every lesson visited by the inspection team and will empower your senior leaders and governors to demonstrate outstanding leadership.Written in Jackie Beere's pragmatic style with a wealth of practical advice from many contributors this book will deliver the essential tips for making inspection work for your school.