A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 6

A Classroom 10-Pack with Teacher's Answer Booklet

FLORIS BOOKSISBN:9781782503460

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By Jamie York
Release Date:


Note that the Floris Books editions of Jamie Yorks books have been completely revised for UK and European notation, language and metric systems. They are also suitable for use in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Experienced maths teacher and consultant Jamie York believes that a love of learning comes through the teacher, so his books are committed to supporting teachers in developing their classroom skills and to fostering a love of maths in their students. Unlike conventional maths textbooks, his books are not full of fancy graphics and contrived ways to make maths

fun. Rather, they:

-- focus on the essentials, so teachers arent overwhelmed by endless lists of required materials

-- are genuinely interesting and challenging, sparking students enthusiasm for learning maths

-- are developmentally appropriate to the age of the child, thereby encouraging inner mathemetical awareness and thinking

-- favour depth over superficiality, to avoid teaching blind procedures to solve meaningless problems.

This students workbook for Class 6 contains practice questions, with room for working, on all the topics a student needs to cover in Steiner-Waldorf Class 6 (age 12-13).

The book includes:

Review topics from previous years: multiplication, short and long division, fractions, decimals, measurement, unit cost, factors, and estimating.

New topics for Class 6: casting out nines, exponents (powers), square roots, divisibility, formulas, the imperial and metric systems, converting decimals to fractions, and fractions to decimals, angle measure, percents, mean/median/mode, pie charts, line graphs, area and perimeter, business maths (discount, profit, etc.,), ratios, rates (speed, wages), exchange rates and complex fractions.

Mental maths: it is as important as ever for children to develop the ability to do calculations in their head. Each worksheet therefore begins with a secion on mental maths, focusing on one of our areas described in the Teachers Source Book (available separately): multiplication, with selected facts from the 13 to 18 times tables and 25 times table; powers with base 2 to 5; fraction to decimal conversions; and maths tricks.

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