Karl Koenig (1902-66) was well-known as a physician, author and lecturer. He began his work at the Institute of Embryology at the University of Vienna. In 1940 he founded the Camphill Movement in Scotland. Based on Rudolf Steiners insights into human development, the special education schools for children and villages for adults with special needs are now established in many parts of the world.
Music therapy helps to support individuals mental and emotional lives through therapeutic exercises that utilise a variety of musical elements. Drawing on the work of Rudolf Steiner, Karl Koenig, a pioneer of various forms of therapy within the Camphill movement, developed the basics of an anthroposophical music therapy, focusing on the fundamentals of music and how they connect to human beings.
This fascinating book brings together Koenigs lectures, essays and notes on music therapy, most of which have never before been published. In them he explores areas such as studies on hearing, the nature of musical experience, and the role of music in Camphill and music therapy for those with impaired hearing.
Alongside the original writings, an in-depth introduction by music therapist Katarina Seeherr explores the evolution of Koenigs ideas relating to music and music therapy and how he inspired many musicians and therapists to develop this form of therapy.