Imperfect Leadership

A book for leaders who know they don't know it all


Title: Imperfect Leadership
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Foreword by Michael Fullan, By Steve Munby
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In Imperfect Leadership Steve Munby eloquently reflects upon and describes a leadership approach that is strong on self-awareness and positive about the importance of asking for help.

When asked to describe his own leadership style, Steve Munby – former chief executive of the National College for School Leadership – uses the word ‘imperfect. This is not something he is ashamed of; he feels imperfect leadership should be celebrated. Too often we are given examples of leaders who are put on some kind of pedestal, lauded as superhero leaders who have it all worked out and are so good at what they do that nobody else can come close.

This book is the antidote to that flawed perception.

Imperfect Leadership is an honest reflection upon leadership. It is about Steves journey, covering his highs and lows and, ultimately, how he learned to refine and improve his leadership. It is about messy, trial-and-error, butterflies-in-the-stomach leadership and about thoughtful and invitational leadership – and the positive impact it can have. Here, his story and insights are wrapped around edited highlights of the 12 keynote speeches that sit at the heart of the book, all made between 2005 and 2017 to a large audience of school leaders.

Chapters include:Chapter One: Asking for Help Chapter Two: How Radical Do I Need to Be? Chapter Three: Collaboration - Its Joys and Challenges Chapter Four: Being a System Leader Chapter Five: Authentic Leadership Chapter Six: Leadership at Times of Change Chapter Seven: Resonant LeadershipChapter Eight: Power and Love Chapter Nine: Starting Over Chapter Ten: Dark Night of the Soul Chapter Eleven: The Long Wait for Sudden Improvement Chapter Twelve: Ethical Leadership

Steve Munby has spent his whole career in education, first as a teacher and then as an adviser and inspector before moving into leadership. Between 2005 and 2017 he was chief executive first of the National College for School Leadership in England and then of Education Development Trust, an international education charity. He is now a self-employed consultant and speaker on leadership and on system reform. Steve is also a visiting professor at University College London Institute of Education and is the facilitator for the Atlantic Rim Collaboratory (ARC) summits, which bring together education systems from across the world. He was awarded a CBE in the New Year honours list in 2010.

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