Contents: 1. Introduction. Part One: Attachment and Caregiving. 2. What is Attachment? 3. The Classifications of Attachment. 4. What are the Factors Influencing Attachment Organisation (and Disorganisation)? 5. Affectional Bonds and Attachment Figures. 6. Is Attachment Theory Valid across Cultures? Part Two: Assessments of Attachment and Caregiving. 7. Introduction. 8. Assessments of Attachment. 9. Assessments of Caregiving. Part Three: Correlates of Attachment Organisation with Functioning. 10. Which Domains of Functioning are Hypothesised to be Correlated with Attachment and What are the Possible Pathways of its Influence? 11. Evidence for Correlations between Attachment Security/Insecurity and the Child's Functioning. Part Four: What is Attachment Disorder? 12. Two Versions of Attachment Disorder. 13. Research on Attachment Disorder. 14. The Nature of Attachment Disorder. Part Five: Attachment Theory-based Interventions (and Some that are Not). 15. Introduction. 16. Evidence-based Interventions: Enhancing Caregiver Sensitivity. 17. Evidence-based Interventions: Change of Caregiver. 18. Interventions with No Evidence Base. 19. Conclusions Regarding Interventions. References. Index. About FOCUS.