Preface. 1 - The virtual surreality of racism. 2 - Newspeak, New Labour, old racism. 3. From Newspeak to amptssprache. 4. From amptssprache to doublethink. 5. From doublethink to the programme that dare not speak its name. 6. Proles and poor laws. 7. Big Brother - we're all immigration officers now. 8. Through the memory hole. 9. From international exploitation to international resistance. 10. Conclusion, the planet without a visa. Appendix 1. Voice from the aliens. Appendix 2. The manifesto of the No-One Is Illegal group. Notes and references.
Steve Cohen was an immigration lawyer for over 25 years and was Co-ordinator of the Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit. He studied law at Oxford and Birmingham and practised as a barrister. The author of many academic, professional and political articles, he was actively involved in campaigns against deportation and denial of entry.