Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction. Pete Ritchie, Ex-Director of Scottish Human Services and Susan Hunter, Edinburgh University. Chapter 2: It's About More Than the Money: Local Area Coordination as an Innovative Approach to Supporting People with Disabilities to Get a Good Life and to Creating More Welcoming Communities. Eddie Bartnik and Dr. Ron Chalmers, Directors of Disability Services Commission, Western Australia. Chapter 3: Co-Production through Encouragement: The Braveheart Project. James Mulholland (on behalf of Braveheart). Chapter 4: Co-Production in Supported Housing: KeyRing Living Support Networks and Neighbourhood Networks. Carl Poll, former director of KeyRing. Chapter 5: Co-Production - Support for Self-Employment. Jane Pagler, Wales. Chapter 6: Family Group Conferencing and 'Partnership'. James Cox, Co-ordinator of Family Group Conferencing project, Edinburgh City Council. Chapter 7: Person-Centred Planning and Co-Production. Steve Coulson, Development Worker, Edinburgh Development Group. Chapter 8: Restoring 'Stakeholder' Involvement in Justice. Bill Whyte, Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre for Scotland. Chapter 9: Recovery in Psychosis: Moments and Levels for Collaboration. Dr. Kristjana Kristiansen, University of Trondheim. Endnote. References. Subject Index. Author Index.