Tackles transition head on, provides countless examples of how primary and secondary schools can work together moreeffectively to ensure students enjoy a smooth and effective move from primary to secondary school. It advocates severaldifferent approaches to facilitating this from soft federations between schools to the all-through 3-18 solution.This practical, pragmatic text places young people at the centre of their learning and provides complete guidance on all that isneeded to arrange activities between schools. The wide range of activities catered for includes: Short term one off' activities for primary and secondary pupils to carry out together Longer projects that allow primary and secondary pupils to develop working relationships Activities which place the pupil in the role of educator for others Projects which are ideal for collaboration between teachers with very different experiences and skills Development tasks for leaders of schools who are keen to develop closer relationships with each other Guidance on different routes of collaborationDave Harris found that working with unfamiliar age groups challenged his truths' of education and reminded him why he firstjoined the teaching profession. The more you work with other phases of education the more clearly you view the differencesand the more you understand why so many pupils suffer at transition between schools.Gives teachers practical help to remove the boundaries to progress and help rekindle their passion for teaching.''A key area of focus at all levels in education is transition. It is a difficult process for children and adults at a range of levels, but a focus area is the Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 journey. Within this excellent book David Harris has developed a practical guide rich in ideas to make the journey over the rope bridge exciting, challenging, enjoyable but above all safe and achievable. This book is essential reading for all school co-ordinators in years 6 and7, and management teams. Hopefully an increasing number of teachers will be inspired to follow the examples of excellent practice in this book.'' - John T Morris BA,MEd, MPhil,DipPsych,CertEd, Director, Teifi Training Education Consultants''A great summary, in Crown House's practical and focussed style, of how important the primary/secondary transition stage is, and some of the pitfalls to avoid. I regularly run courses on promoting reading at the transition stage, and it's a title I'll recommend to school library staff, so that they can see their important role in a wider context.''- Alec Williams, freelance trainer and storyteller, and former School Library Association Chair'.