We live in a society consumed by materialism and the desire for more. Does this mean our next generation of children will grow up being literate and numerate greedy consumers whose lives are judged by the size of their houses and the latest model BMW on the drive? Or can our society along with the desire of educators teach our children the values they need to take responsibility for living and learning. It's simple; the children are our future, it's our moral duty in schools to provide a Values Based curriculum. The Little Book of Values explores twenty-two values that can be taught through schools and indeed the whole community. The book will inspire you by using examples of where values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. It will also help people to take stock of their own values and how they wish to lead their life. Megan aged 10 said,Values are not simply words. They are skills we are learning for life and when I grow up I will remember to have them with me and use them to help me live a happy life.''A Little Book of Values is a clear, helpful and highly enjoyable handbook for teachers who are looking for ways of helping children to think constructively and live harmoniously.Using concepts such as Simplicity and Appreciation, children and adults explore their relationship with themselves and their community. They love it. Eleven-year-old Daniel says, My favourite value is responsibility because thinking of being responsible and being trusted by others makes me feel very happy, whatever the situation'.''- Frances Farrer, author of A Quiet Revolution (fh books, 2005)''Professor Childhood should be delightful. We would want our children to think of times of discovery, joy and curiosity; a time of finding out about the big, big world and of developing ideas of fairness, justice and optimism.This book offers a chance to look at what we value for children and how we help them to develop values that will support a successful adult life. It is a treasure trove. It has ideas to use with children, examples of activity that works and a fund of ways to explore values in education. Good teachers will tune into this book easily and they will use it well.''- Professor Mick Waters, April 2009''The Little Book of Values is a very accessible and practical guide to what Values Education looks like in practice. With a lovely mixture of practical suggestions and examples, Julie shows how regular and explicit discussion of values provides a framework for the whole school community to relate positively to each other. Rightly, it is the story of 'how we did it' and 'what the result was, especially for children', rather than a handbook of 'this is how it must be done.' Julie brings out, quietly but assertively, the key elements of Values Education: the interaction of the values being modelled and the vocabulary of values to enable both adults and children to talk and think about what we want our schools, and our children, to be like. I recommend it to teachers, parents and others who wonder how so simple an approach can be so life-changing.''- Dr Tony Eaude, University of Oxford, May 2009''This is a little BIG book! The messages are big and strong; values enable our children to take their dreams and let them live! Values help to develop people of hope, people who think and we think to be more humane. What values do for us all and especially children are to form people of love, care and compassion, with a deep sense of hope who appreciate beauty and wonder. The little book of values truely has a treasure chest amomgst its pages. It guides the reader through how values can be seen, touched, and felt. It shows how the flourishing of mankind really can and does happen in a values led school community and can reach out beyond its own locality. Every head should read this Big little book!Having practiced a values led approach in several school for many years I can strongly recommend this book full of ''treasure''.- Julie Carr, Headteacher, Lyneham Primary school, May 2009''An inspiring little book with interesting reflection tasks for teachers and plenty of ideas for teachers to use with children. It isn't preachy, just common sense. I've already used it to enhance my PSHE teaching.''- Jane Bruce, Pastoral Co-ordinator