Dedication; Introduction: Story Medicine; A Angry Ant; A Anxious Roo and Anything New; B Billy Bully Wind; B Bored Baboon; B Bossy Bula; C Clanging Crashing Clock; C Cranky Cockatoo; D Demanding Dodo; D Destructive Dana; D Dishonest Dingo; E Over-eager Elephant; F Fussy Foo-Foo; G Greedy Garden Spade; H Hurting biting hippo; I Intolerant Irises; J Jealous Jewel; J Jumpity Juju; K Kicking Kanga; K Klingy Koala; L Lazy Lizzie; L Loud Lyrebird; M Messy Mermaid; N Noisy Gnomes; N No-No Nobby; O Obnoxious Octopus; P Perfectionist Pat; P Pesky Pelican; P Procrastinating Pudden; Q Quibbling Queen; R Restless Red Pony; R Reticent Robot; S Scaredy Sun Bear; S Strawberry Shy and Raspberry Wild; S Swickity Snickity Swearing Snake;T Tearful Tida; U Untidy Ursula; U Unco-operative Umbrella; V Vain Velvet; W Whingeing Whistler; X Xtremely Dominant Xylophone; Y Yellow Mellow Yacht; Z Zestless Zebra; Ways to use Story Medicine