Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Second Edition 2/e


Title: Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities 2/e
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By Diane M. Browder, Fred Spooner, Ginevra R. Courtade
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For years the text of choice for developing excellence as a teacher of K-12 students with moderate and severe disabilities, this clearly written work has now been revised and updated. Chapters provide step-by-step procedures for designing standards-based individualized education plans and evaluating and enhancing student progress. Methods and materials for teaching literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies are described in depth. The book also describes effective ways to build functional daily living skills. User-friendly features include extensive vignettes and classroom examples, end-of-chapter application exercises, and reproducible planning and assessment tools. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Reflects important advances in research and evidence-based practice. *Chapter on collaborating with culturally diverse families, plus a stronger multicultural focus throughout. *Chapter on writing instruction. *Two additional chapters on reading and math, ensuring coverage of both foundational and grade-aligned skills. *Increased attention to students with autism spectrum disorder and to uses of technology.

I. Educational Foundations 1. Introduction to the Education of Students with Severe Disabilities, with Irene Meier 2. Multicultural Perspectives: Culture, Family, Relationships, and Instruction, with Chris Rivera 3. Building Communication Competence, with Pamela J. Mims 4. Using Assessment for Planning Standards-Based Individualized Education Programs, with Bree Jimenez 5. Monitoring and Enhancing Student Progress: Getting the Most Out of Data, with Robert Pennington 6. Using Instruction That Works: Evidence-Based Practices, with Pamela J. Mims II. Academics 7. Building Early Literacy and Reading Skills, with Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell 8. Teaching English Language Arts Standards across the Grades, with Melissa Hudson 9. Promoting Writing: Creation of Permanent Product Communications, with Robert Pennington 10. Building Early Numeracy and Problem Solving, with Alicia Saunders 11. Teaching Mathematical Standards across the Grades, with Katherine Trela 12. Science and Engineering Practices, with Bree Jimenez 13. Expanding Cultural and Social Competence through Social Studies, with Leah Wood III. Related Skills and Supports 14. Promoting Social Skills and Positive Behavior Support, with Chelsi R. Brosh & Victoria F. Knight 15. Addressing Sensory, Physical, and Health Care Needs, with Pamela J. Mims 16. Teaching Personal and Daily Living Skills, with Joshua Baker 17. Planning and Teaching for Adult Living, with Valerie L. Mazzotti References Index

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