1. A Framework for Preschool Assessment 2. A Multifactor Ecocultural Model of Assessment and the Assessment Process 3. Technical Concerns 4. Observation of the Child 5. Observation of Environments 6. Screening Practices and Procedures: A Focus on Developmental Screening 7. Assessment of Early Academic Learning 8. Family Assessment 9. Assessment of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Preschoolers: Increasing Culturally Sensitive Practices 10. Assessment of Language Development 11. Cognitive Assessment, Susan Vig and Michelle Sanders 12. Assessment of Mental Retardation, Susan Vig and Michelle Sanders 13. Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders 14. Assessment of Emotional Development and Behavior Problems
Comprehensive and user friendly, this ideal professional reference and graduate text provides a developmentally informed framework for assessing 3- to 6-year-olds in accordance with current best practices and IDEA guidelines. The authors are leading clinician-researchers who take the reader step by step through selecting appropriate measures, integrating data from a variety of sources, and using the results to plan and evaluate effective interventions and learning experiences. Coverage encompasses screening and assessment of cognitive, linguistic, emotional, and behavioral difficulties, including mental retardation and autism. Case studies illustrate key facets of assessing diverse children and families; appendices offer concise reviews of over 100 instruments.