Elsa Beskow (1874-1953) is the most popular children's author--illustrator in Sweden. Often described as Sweden's Beatrix Potter, Elsa Beskow's picture books have been known and loved for over a century. Her charming stories of children and magical folk, accompanied by her signature illustrations, are known and cherished the world over.
Peter is searching for berries for his mother's birthday but he can't find a single one! Then a light tap on his shoe begins a strange and magical adventure steering bark boats, riding brown mice and swinging on spider webs with his new friends, the playful blueberry and cranberry children. Peter in Blueberry Land is of the best-known books from world-renowned Swedish author--illustrator Elsa Beskow. This wonderful new edition faithfully reproduces Beskow's classic illustrations in a collectable picture book featuring a unique hand-crafted design, premium-quality paper, gold foil signature and a luxurious cloth spine. Create an Elsa Beskow library by collecting all of the gorgeous new editions.