Contents: Acknowledgements. A Note on the Text. Glossary of Terms. 1. The Purpose of the Manual and How to Use It. 2. History, Current Guidance and Principles. 3. What is Adult Abuse? 4. Recognising Adult Abuse. 5. Handling Disclosure. 6. Investigating Adult Abuse. 7. Case Conferences. 8. Risk Assessment and Developing Protection Plans. 9. The Importance of Recording. 10. The Abuse of Older People. 11. The Abuse of Younger Adults. 12. The Abuse of Black and Minority Ethnic People. Appendix 1: Forms. Appendix 2: Bodymaps. Appendix 3: Risk Tool. Appendix 4: Useful Organisations. Appendix 5: JPP Videos/DVDs. References. Subject index. Author index.
Working with Adult Abuse is a comprehensive manual for trainers of those working with vulnerable adults. The author covers all aspects of adult abuse cases, from the recognition of adult abuse, whether in the community or within an institution, through to the investigation, case conference and risk assessment stages. Practical advice is presented within the historical context of adult abuse policy, and is complemented by specialised chapters on the abuse of specific sections of society, such as older people, younger adults and black and minority ethnic people. For use across all disciplines, each chapter offers an introductory discussion of a particular topic or question, such as what exactly constitutes adult abuse, how to respond to a disclosure of abuse, or when to involve the authorities, and each includes handouts, key learning points, case examples and suggested reading. Reflecting all stages of the training process, this resource covers basic awareness through to more specialist training, making it an ideal resource for the training of social workers, care managers and workers, training officers, police officers and students of social work.