Contents: Acknowledgements. A Note on the Text. Glossary of Terms. 1. The Purpose of the Manual and How to Use It. 2. History, Current Guidance and Principles. 3. What is Adult Abuse? 4. Recognising Adult Abuse. 5. Handling Disclosure. 6. Investigating Adult Abuse. 7. Case Conferences. 8. Risk Assessment and Developing Protection Plans. 9. The Importance of Recording. 10. The Abuse of Older People. 11. The Abuse of Younger Adults. 12. The Abuse of Black and Minority Ethnic People. Appendix 1: Forms. Appendix 2: Bodymaps. Appendix 3: Risk Tool. Appendix 4: Useful Organisations. Appendix 5: JPP Videos/DVDs. References. Subject index. Author index.