1. The Need for This Book and How to Use It. 2. The Purpose of Keeping Records. 3. Access to Records and Information Sharing. 4. Back to Basics: Good Recording Skills. 5. Tools for Effective Recording. 6. Evidential Requirements 1: Preserving and Presenting the Evidence. 7. Evidential Requirements 2: Pre-alert to Case Conference. 8. Risk Assessment and Developing Safeguarding Plans. 9. Minute Taking in Safeguarding Adults Meetings. 10. Report Writing for Court. References. Index.
Poor record keeping within safeguarding adults work can have serious consequences cases may not get to court if records are inadequate yet practitioners are often untrained and uninformed about how to keep effective records.This book is a comprehensive guide to keeping accurate, effective and complete records within safeguarding adults work. It covers the theory behind why good record keeping is essential; basic skills in recording including how to write effectively; legal requirements and what is required by whom, such as the police, crown prosecution service and the courts; report-writing; and minute-taking. The book includes best practice points, exercises and examples of good recording. Each chapter also features informative, anecdotal experiences and comments from experts in safeguarding adults work, including police and lawyers, on what is needed in written records and how to present evidence clearly and persuasively.This book will be essential reading for all safeguarding adults practitioners who are required to keep records, including social workers, probation officers, nurses, support workers, residential and day care staff, volunteers and advocates.