Foreword. Acknowledgements. Preface. Introduction. Part 1. Unravelling ASD, Associated Features and Theories of Thinking and Learning. 1. Characteristics of Autism and the Impact on the Student. 2. Learning Theories Associated with ASD. Part 2. Implications of ASD and Associated Features for High School Students with Autism. 3. Challenges in High Schools and their Impact on Students with Autism. 4. Learning Style and Scholastic Achievement. 5. Social Understanding and Peer Relationships. Part 3. How to Combat Obstacles Experienced by High School Students with ASD: Suggestions and Strategies.6. A Framework for Inclusion. 7. Transition to High School - Implications for Practice. 8. Class-wide Pedagogical Approaches. 9. ASD-specific Approaches. 10. Individualised Learning and Education Plans. 11. Social Interaction and Socio-Emotional Support. 12. Anxiety, Emotional Support and Student Welfare. 13. Supporting Students in High School Towards Independence. Part 4. Post High School Where to Next? 14. Planning for the Future. Appendix 1. The Causes of Autism. Appendix 2. Resources. Appendix 3. Outline of Research Methods. References.
Elaine Keane, PhD is a Coordinator for Aspect Vern Barnett School, North Sydney. She is a special educator with extensive experience and knowledge of educational programs and service provision for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) gained over 30 years. Elaine has previously worked as a teacher and Aspect's Research Officer.