Relationship-Based Research in Social Work

Understanding Practice Research


Title: Relationship-Based Research in Social Work
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Edited by Gillian Ruch, Ilse Julkunen, Contributions by Kathleen Russell, Gavin Swann, Helen Hingley-Jones, Harry Lunabba, Elina Virokannas, Katarina Fagerstroem, Laura Yliruka, Jonna Vanhanen
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A comprehensive guide to relationship-based research in social work, communicating the theory using illustrative case studies and offering a model for practice. At this book's core is the idea of 'practice-near research' - a dynamic approach to research embedded in a practice setting - and relationship-based working. It describes the value of this approach, particularly when embarking upon research relating to human interactions and the views or experiences of service users. It gathers together a range of research projects carried out in Finland, where the concept originated, and in the UK which illustrate how it works in a number of settings. A dynamic text for academics, researchers or managers engaged in practice research.

1. Introducing the Book. Gillian Ruch, Professor of Social Work, University of Sussex and Ilse Julkunen, Professor of Practice Research in Social Work, Helsinki University. 2. Developing Relevant and Respectful Research Relationships. Gillian Ruch, Professor of Social Work, University of Sussex. 3 Doing Practice Research that Matters: Building Relevant and Sustainable Research Relationships. Ilse Julkunen, Professor of Practice Research in Social Work, Helsinki University. 4. Ethnography On The 'Front Line': Why Some Teams Struggle and Others Thrive. Judy Foster, Visiting Lecturer in Social Work, Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. 5 Collaborative Knowledge Production in Research Practice: The Development Of The 'Mirror Method' in Team Settings. Laura Yliruka with Jonna Vanhanen, Outi Jaakkola and Erja Saurama. 6. Exploring Relationships Through Ethnography: A Research Study of Boys in School. Harry Lunabba, Doctor of Social Science, Senior Lecturer, Helsinki University. 7. Observing the 'Ordinary': Using Observation to Research the Experiences of Teenagers with Severe Learning Disabilities. Helen Hingley Jones, Associate Professor Social Work (Research and Teaching), Middlesex University. 8. Undertaking a Co-operative Inquiry in a Children's Social Care Service: Prerequisites, Opportunities, Complexities and Challenges in Achieving Relationship-Based Research. Gavin Swann, Qualified Social Worker and Senior Manager in Children Social Care. 9. Critical Reflection on Fiction - Increasing Practitioner Reflexivity, Making Knowledge and Enhancing Practice. Katarina Fagerström, Doctoral Student, Helsinki University. 10. Exploring Relationships and Emotions Through Reflexive Secondary Data Analysis: Peer Supporters', Professionals' and Clients' Experiences of a Finnish Street-Level Substance Misuse Clinic. Elina Virokannas, University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy. 11. Designing a Qualitative Research Study: Giving Fathers with Cancer a Voice. Kathleen Russell, Visiting Lecturer, The Tavistock Centre. 12. Getting to the Heart of Relationships in Social Work Research in Practice. Gillian Ruch, Professor of Social Work, University of Sussex and Ilse Julkunen, Professor of Practice Research in Social Work, Helsinki University.

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