Advice and information. Advocacy. Appeals system. Assessment. Autism Act 2009. Better Care Fund. Blanket policies. Box ticking. Business failure. Care and support (and support). Care and support plans or support plans. Care cap. Care home accommodation. Care home fees. Care Programme Approach. Care providers. Care Quality Commission (CQC). Carers. Challenging decisions. Changes and closures. Charging. Children. Children and transition. Choice of accommodation. Clinical commissioning groups. Community equipment. Complaints. Continuity of social care: moving area. Continuing health care (CHC). Cooperation. Cross-border placements. Deferred payments. Delay. Delegation of functions. Direct payments. Divide between social care and health care. Divide between social care and housing. Duties and powers. Eligibility. Eligibility of adults. Eligibility of carers. Enquiries: making enquiries into abuse or neglect. Equality Act 2010. Funded nursing care. GuidanceCommission. Health Service Ombudsman (HSO). Home adaptations. Home care visits. Hospital discharge. Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (HGCRA). Human rights. Immigration and asylum. Independent Living Fund (ILF). Integration. Judicial review. Local Government Ombudsman. Localism Act 2011. Market shaping. Mental capacity. Mental Health Act 1983 (section 117 after-care). National Health Service (NHS). Needs. Neglect and abuse. Northern Ireland. Nursing care. Occupational therapy. Ordinary residence. Outcomes. Overseas visitors (NHS). Panels. Personal budgets. Personal care. Powers of entry. Prevention. Principles in the Care Act. Prisons. Protection of property. Public health. Reablement. Refusal of service. Registers. Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002. Rehabilitation. Removing people from their homes. Resources. Respite care. Reviewing need. Safeguarding. Safeguarding adults boards. Safeguarding adults reviews. Scotland. Services. Shared lives accommodation. Social work. Supported living. Support. Urgent need. Wales. Well-being. Wheelchairs. Wilful neglect and ill treatment.
Michael Mandelstam has provided independent legal training for over 20 years. Prior to this he worked at the Department of Health and, before that, at the Disabled Living Foundation. He has written many legal books on social care and health care matters. He holds postgraduate qualifications in law, information studies and the history of science and medicine.